Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I have a feeling Jana was more on top of things than she let on...

Jana's favorite hobby is raising my blood pressure. Oh yeah-- she's back, and I forgot to blog about it! Oh well, we've been busy taking care of her visa problems. Now that that's taken care of, we're all ready to take a road trip to the British Consultate in Chicago, which will probably happen sometime next week. Oo, Chicago! Sounds like so much fun! It might be, but we might just make a very long day trip out of it because I'm cheap and I want enough money to buy laundry detergent, toilet paper,,, and pillows when I arrive in England. See how I did that with the commas? Laura told us the definition of the Oxford comma yesterday. She also said that Stephen respects and enjoys it. Well, Stephen, if you're reading, take TRIPLE Oxford comma action!

There's so much that has happened in the past few days... picking Jana up from the airport... coaxing Jana to blister her feet... gaining bun advice from strange Chinese men... newspapering the bathroom so I could put grassy mud in my hair... Boja leaving as mysteriously as he'd appeared...

But really, I missed blogging about these things as they happened, and it wouldn't be fair to post in retrospect. Just assume my life is amazing and leave it at that.

T-minus 14 days! SO THERE.


  1. Shoarl la Woarl!!!! don't be cheap, if you died tomorrow your money would be wasted. spend it as you please. love! :D HAHAHA you have no toilet paper I'm laughing at you :P

  2. that Chinese man was full of wisdom about Moon Cakes and Rice Cakes. the rice cakes were the beeesssttttttt

  3. you know why people don't like posting comments??? It's cuz it's such a complicated process!! You have to sign in, enter security words... blah blah blah

  4. My last security word was Yaligh. is that even a real word?
