Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 5

Okay, so I skipped a few days. I can't blog for long now because I'm on a public computer here-- still don't have internet at home, and I won't until Oct 22, thanks to my roommate getting us the absolute best internet provider, thus the busiest. :P But I do have a blog post on word processor from day one, about a page long cos I was really sleepy, and I might post that later when I get internet at my house-- so that could be about a month. Hang tight! Day one was a doozy, that's all you need to know for now.

Oh, I like my roommates, by the way! One's a little messy I suppose, but I'm a neat freak. Someone's been wiping their food-hands on my dish towel! Oh well. Gotta deal. I love my house. It's very cozy, and my room is nice too. I didn't have heat the first couple of nights because I couldn't figure out how to work the heater, but it's nice and warm now, thanks to Lea.

I arrived first, Lea arrived the next day, Becky showed up on Sunday afternoon, and Michelle found her way to the house at around midnight Sunday night. So we're all here! Michelle's accent is really cool! She's Irish. I think we are all going to get along very well.

I love where my house is located! About 2 mins from a co-op grocery store, where you can get cheap fruit while it lasts, and other items (including bakery--yum!). There's a library about 4 mins away, Jana's house about 6, another grocery store right next door to her... and a post office and banks right around the corner. Everything you need! My house is about a block from Victoria Park, which is a nice run. About 10 mins from the university, and about 20 mins from the city centre. Amazing!

I got an amazing pay-as-you-go phone for cheap, and I get free internet and 300 free texts every month for only £10pm! So I posted this on my facebook, but in case any of you don't use facebook often, I'll write it again here: if you would like to get in contact with me, send me an e-mail at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! I would really like to hear from my friends! *hint hint*

It's been really drizzly the past few days, as expected. I got soaked on my run this morning, but the weather is perfect for exercise.

I know I'm subject-hopping like crazy, but let me update you guys on registration cos I know you all want to hear about it. So, I can't get a UK bank account until I register for classes through face-to-face registration. Which means I've been draining my American bank account, but thank GOD I sold my car before I left, otherwise I don't know how I'd be able to sustain! It's a pain in the butt using an American card over here, but I'll be able to sign up for a UK account on Wednesday! WOOHOO! I thought I'd have to wait until Oct4th, but my money might be gone by then, what with all the international fees they're throwing at me!

Well, I'm off. I miss Obi a lot, and I heard he's been lonely. I hope it gets better for him! I hope it gets better for me! I met a friendly cat yesterday who tried to get into my house, then decided to rub against my legs while purring like crazy for a while. Maybe he'll be my special friend. :)

Later all!

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