Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Stuff on My Blog!

No longer will I post "Hooray, I ran this much today!"-- now, I have added those posts conveniently to my sidebar under the title Running Journal, complements of twitter.

By the way, my visa arrived today! That was quick! Now, off to Chicago tomorrow to get Jana her visa-- then, hanging out with friends until next week, giving myself one day to pack and before you or I know it, I'll be in England! Of course I will keep up this blog and write all about life overseas, giving you information on travel, weather, psychology, and of course, British dialect.

The first new word I will teach you today is dongle. This word can be used like so:

Let's not buy cable for the internet in our new house; it is much cheaper to use a dongle.

Do not confuse dongle with a general world like doohickey; a dongle is a type of flash drive or memory stick that may specifically be used to form an internet connection. Of course, I will add other such words to my blog as I learn them. Aren't you excited to speak like a Brit?

T-minus 7 days!

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