Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jana's Second Grade Wisdom (checked for spelling, but words remain the same)

If I was twelve feet tall, I would throw up in a river because I'll be too big for the toilet.

The best dream I ever had was when I had a very very white dream it was black too without any color.

Instead of water, I wish it would rain real hamsters and kittens and puppies.

If I were a dragon, I would never ever go by castles because they will kill me.

If I were a bat I would fly around the dark and scare ans(?) that are outside and inside my cave. Continued on the next page: And I live with my friend Aroomfis. (Picture of a mouse)
I have no idea what inspired Jana to name a mouse Aroomfis.

Sometimes I pretend that I'm lots and lots of animals and even this morning I was even a peacock.

If I could invent a candy, I would call it athingee thing.

The color red makes me feel mad because boys always say it is a boy's color and then tease me, saying "You like a boy's color"...

I would like to ask Martin Luther King how he got friends with Rosa Parks.

I like being a kid because I never want to grow up. I think it would hurt.

And my very favorite:
I wish I could fly and have magic powers to kill Reshanne and to vanish her from the Earth for ever and ever until she's bones in the dirt and they're all broken.

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