Tuesday, September 21, 2010

T-Minus 1 Day

I'll arrive in England on Thursday. I can't think of a more comfortable combination than sleep depravation and about 75 extra pounds of stuff to lug across a country or two. Optimistically, it will be the best day of my life-- I'll bump into Jude Law and he'll offer to take me to my destination via Lincoln town car. Then marry me.

Realistically, if I make it through the day without uttering one cuss word it will be a gorram miracle. I'm gonna make a deal with you now, Jana-- go easy on me for the next 36 hours and I'll do the same for you! I'm gonna try reeeaaal hard.

Real hard.

I'm Tao. I'm so Tao. I'm going to take the day as it comes at me. I'm going to get my key from the student center. I'm going to go home and take a shower. I'm going to be all alone in my house on Thursday so I can poke around and try to remember which room is mine. I'm going to write my adventures in word processor cos I won't have the internet for a while. I'm going to make my 2mi map around Victoria Park so I can run on Friday. I'm going to find a supermarket. And a hairdryer. I'm going to find out where I can sign up for high impact kickboxing. Hell yeah.

Later gators.


  1. Be Safe.. and lemme know when u get in.. internet providing of course!

  2. Good luck!!! Keep up the bloggin!!! :)
