Tuesday, August 3, 2010


"Even for the internet it's... pretty shocking." Ha ha ha.

When I was a kid and people would say "you're here for a reason" I always imagined a guy with a checklist analyzing me before I was born (I thought I would have looked like a kid before I was born, but now I think I probably looked like a range of microscopic particles of energy spread across the universe, but that will probably change, too.)

Anyway, the checklist guy determines how you're going to live your life, where you're going to live, who you're going to be stuck with, etc. He's also the one who decided to give me themed days, in which, every now and then, one subject will present itself in multiple ways all in different places within the same 24-hr period. I've noticed that this happens to me occassionally-- for example, two different people will mention the same weird topic offhand that they have never spoken of before. Or, I will be watching a TV show I've never watched before, and realize later that the new book I'm reading is about the same thing.

I think the themed days help me to realize the lessons of life. Yesterdays lesson was "Girls sure seem to get abducted a lot", also, "If they're abducted young enough they'll love the new family (The Face on the Milk Carton)", and, "If they're abducted when they're like 12 they're not going to forget their old family very soon (Lie to Me, episode 6)" so if you're going to abduct somebody, do it when they're 2 or 3.

Ah, life lessons.

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