Sunday, August 29, 2010

"But there are much worse games to play." (cries hysterically)

Okay, not hysterically-- but I swear the book could not have ended more unexpectedly or bittersweet. The author definitely does not cheat the reader by making everything OK in the end after all Katniss goes through... Oh-- hello there-- I'm talking about The Hunger Games trilogy. Finished Mockingjay just a few minutes ago.

Speaking of The Hunger Games, I was really proud of myself for pulling off the final book's release event that the bossman said would not happen. Firstly, the person who was originally going to do the event was told not to show up, and then I appear a mere thirty minutes before the thing is supposed to go on and find that the planning materials cannot be accessed. Ten minutes prior to the big show and Ashley has Marty fax over the trivia/debate forms from Westlake, and then I'm thrown into a somewhat haphazard and spontaneous release party, which actually turned out well.

I snagged Matt at the last second to host with me-- always good to have your pal for backup-- and we did a great job considering only four people showed up, half of them moms. Well, can't say we didn't try. We were complimented on our good job afterwards, but that may have been because of the free Fruitkulas, though Fan Mom #2 claims I entertained well while Matt was whisked away to prepare the drinks in the cafe.

I learned something about myself yesterday. I was really hoping I wouldn't screw it up, no matter how few people showed up. I have never considered myself good with a) kids or b) being a host, but I found that I had exceeded my own expectations. Who cares that the fifteen-year-old wearing the Hunger Games t-shirt took one look at the two 10-year-old kids in the party area before turning tail and slinking out the front door to my shouts of "Hey! The event is starting!"

Her loss! Fan Kid #1 won a bookplate signed by Suzanne Collins. Fan Mom #2 actually had the nerve to pipe up "Is that all that's in the raffle?" Yes, woman! You thought we'd been preparing this for weeks, ha ha. It was my smooth execution that fooled her. You would never have thought that none of my lines were premeditated. Of course, Matt was involved-- but he's a natural speaker. I never thought I had it in me.

In other news, I ran ten miles yesterday. Have to admit, it wasn't easy-- by mile eight I had a stitch in my side, but I plowed through it, just to see if I could. I could. No lasting damage, and now I am more powerful than ever-- MU-A-ha ha ha ha!!

Listening to Pink's song "Glitter in the Air" over and over again. Go listen.

And. um.

Let's see.

It is two days before my chapter with Borders comes to an inevitable and oh-so-tragic-but-SO-not tragic END! And I promise on the lives of my unborn children that I will never return. Never. Ever. Ever. If I'm going to be treated like muck, it might as well be by people who are higher up the letter-ladder than me-- you know, letters like P and H and D. But I have a feeling I will not be paid to be The Idiot Who Will Take Your Call again.


Oh, and I'm sorry Jana... T-minus 24 days!

1 comment:

  1. Reshanne you finished! We can have book club instead of dinner club this friday!
    I'm so sad you're leaving.
