Friday, August 13, 2010

Iron Man on the Freeway

Sometimes when I'm driving and a motorcyclist shoots ahead of me, I see a different person for a minute... once, I thought I saw Iron Man in his sleek red and gold armor, and tonight as I was driving home I thought I saw a caped crusader. But by the time I caught up to them, they always turned back into some leather-clad guy with a mullet, or a combination of two robust people, one in black and one with a very billowy red windbreaker.

This week has been strange-- due to a) lack of sleep and b) stress about school; "a" is not the result of "b" by the way, as "a" is the result of a strange work schedule and being popular, and "b" is in isolated addition to "a". A de-bonus, if you will.

I didn't get as much school loan $ as I had hoped, so whether I get to eat or not in Leicester depends on if I sell my car. I need to sell my car as fast as possible because I'm paranoid it will die on me before I can reap some income out of it. The other day I backed it out of the driveway and almost went into cardiac arrest when it made thumping noises as I braked-- "I knew I had to replace that master cylinder!" I screamed in my head-- "DAMN YOU NTB, and your careless OVERLOOKAGE of VITAL REPAIRS!" I burst into the house in a wild pinwheeling rage, grabbed my mom's key, and joked out the door that I would silently cry on my way to work about the state of my car. We laughed about it but I actually did, for just a little while. "Oh God--" I thought through my grief, listening to Hey There Delilah on the radio, "--I hate this song."

I blundered through three hours of work before finally calling my mom to ask what had happened on her test drive of my hunk of vanished cash. "You're weird," said Mum, "your car works fine."

See, I already told you I was paranoid. But I'm working on it. I finally understand what Stephen meant about running off your frustration-- it works great. Pounding out six miles to My Chemical Romance screaming something about vampires really takes the edge off.

T-minus 40 days, and counting!

UNI is gonna ROCK

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