Friday, August 6, 2010

Tao Moment

It was after my early morning run with the uncomfortable old-man hellos and ignoring the regulars such as Guy-with-Small-Brown-Dog... after feeling cocky on the carride home because I passed up a serious runner... after suddenly choking on a mouthful of water, spitting it everywhere and realizing the forces of nature were telling me I shouldn't be cocky... after all that, I went home, took a shower, then climbed into bed for my nap--

but it was unusual...

I noticed how close my bed was to the window, how comfy I was right up close to the outside world, and it was all dark and looked ready to rain, so everything had a closed quality to it, and I just lay there at peace, not thinking about anything except that I hoped I didn't pick up where I left off with my last dream, where I had just saved my pig baby named Krul from a wild badger cos I had accidentally forgotten about her outside in the yard... and I wished I had named her something that couldn't be mistaken with the word "cruel". Lucky for me, I fell blissfully into dreamless sleep.

Today was the last day for all the members of our short-lived book club. But where one chapter ends, another begins! Everyone must go their separate ways, and I like the way I'm going, which is east, but not TOO far east, just east enough to get to the older part of The West. Logic!

By the way, so going through late editing stages with my first full-length childrens fantasy novel. Epic. Win. I gave Jana a copy of draft 2-and-then-some. I have felt this need to edit it at stupid times, like in the middle of work when I can't get to it. I can only describe the frustrating feeling of not being able to work on something important as a "twing". God I hate twings.

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