Saturday, December 4, 2010

Not So Short, but Sweet

Let's see if I can write something short and sweet for a change...

Well, it's the week before the end of term-- for me, that is. The prof says we started class a week early, so we're ending a week early as well. On our last class this Thursday, we will each present two powerpoints: one on our psychometric scale development, and the other on our thesis research proposal. I finished making those earlier this week and I've been rehearsing them since, and they seem to be pretty good.

The only other examinations for this term are two papers on the same topics as the powerpoints. I am almost finished with both of those, and I must say I've found a love for writing introductions. In case you are unfamiliar with the process of scientific writing, the introduction always encompasses a literature review, which flows into the purpose of the study. My favorite part about the write-up, then, is researching interesting articles and making them all fit nicely around one coherent frame of thought. Just yesterday, I was learning about role-play addiction for my imagination survey write-up-- and the number one reason the role-players give for their excessive game-playing is "I want to escape from reality"-- usually due to unpleasant life experiences, or profound social awkwardness/anxiety. Though I am not partial to conducting survey research or personality research myself, reading about these things is always interesting-- so today, I delved into the motives of addicted RPG-ers.

As far as my thesis project goes, I've been refining it over the week and sharing ideas with my adviser. At first he asked me to try to design the task in MATLAB myself, but I told him I was not comfortable doing it on my own, and that it would be much better if I could watch him program the task. He doesn't seem to get it though-- the last time we talked, he told me to meet him next week after he's written the task by himself-- so how am I supposed to learn? I've asked repeatedly if I could be there when he programs, and he has not responded to the most recent e-mail in which I told him, candidly, that I would really like to be there when he writes the code, unless he is not comfortable with me looking over his shoulder as he does so. In which case he should suck it up.

Today, Jana, Sonja, and I are going to the city centre to do some winter clothes shopping. I need a good pair of gloves and perhaps I will stop by Blacks sporting goods to find a strong, waterproof pair of hiking boots, and a pair of waterproof pants. Oo, regular old winter boots might also be nice to have, since it seems the snow doesn't want to melt around here! Yes, surprisingly, there has been a small layer of well-packed snow and ice on the sidewalks for the whole week now. I didn't think it could happen in England, but they say it's supposed to be the coldest winter in a thousand years, so... there it is.

I'm feeling cheery and in the Christmas spirit after watching "Muppet Christmas Carol"-- of course, Michael Caine is the best Ebenezer Scrooge, as anybody who has seen the movie will agree. I happened to glance down at the date on my phone earlier today and couldn't believe it was already December 4th. I love the city centre at Christmas-time-- there are always streetcorner booths selling warm chestnuts, and there's an ice-skating rink somewhere closeby. I love seeing the festive decorations in shop windows, and the dummies dressed up in sweaters and scarves, looking so cozy. Hopefully after today's excursion, I'll look just like those dummies (ho ho!)

I will miss the family for Christmas, of course. Nothing beats a feast, a stocking and a tree. Hang up some of my ornaments for me, Mum, and remember to get Obi some Christmas catnip. :)

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