Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bavaria Tomorrow!

Or so I hope!

Sonja was supposed to return to her German home on Saturday morning, and she left before I even woke up-- I've been spending the night at Jana's place these past couple of days since my roommates all went home for Christmas. Well that night, Jana and I were up in her room, when all of a sudden we heard Sonja's voice calling to us up the stairs. We rushed downstairs, dreading what news she would give us-- turns out, her flight had been cancelled!

She told us, very upset, about how horrible her day had been-- the plane was at first delayed five minutes, then 20 minutes, then everyone was told to get off the jet. Sonja had to wait in line all by herself for 5 hours to change her flight, all the time on the phone with her parents, who were waiting for her at the Munich airport with her siblings and cousins and other relatives. They could hardly believe the flight would not arrive, and Sonja even said there was no reason why the plane could not make it to Germany-- the airline informed them that it would be the plane's flight back to England that would be the problem, since apparently London is expecting "bad weather".

So now she will be flying out on Monday, and should arrive an hour after Jana and I land in Munich. Hopefully, all of our flights will be fine this time, but we've researched train tickets, just in case.

In fact, I am going to find the number to Eurostar trains for good measure. Nothing is going to stop our journey, nothing! Sonja even lit the magic candle in the local church, to encourage God to be on our side this time around. Sonja thinks of everything!

We will persevere!

Farewell my friends-- hopefully the next time you hear from me, it will be from Germany!

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