Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Fair

There was a small Christmas fair on Queens Road, today-- I bought a homemade gingerbread man for myself, and I got my mum a couple of presents, which I will ship with Stefani's tomorrow or Tuesday. Jana gave me the idea for Stefani's present-- she's so good at picking em out! I'll try to find a festive box to ship them in and hope they arrive home by Christmas. Now I have to think hard about what to get my dad-- can't go wrong with a fancy chocolate bar or some such thing. He might want to try English chocolate, which does taste quite a bit different from American choco.

The fair was cute-- people were selling homemade mince pies, there were rows of wrapped-up Christmas trees for sale, and groups of kids entertained on a small stage. Sonja was unimpressed-- the Germans have their Kris Kringle fairs, which are much more elaborate than this little thing... can't wait to see the real deal! I am, of course, going to Bavaria for Christmas.

Right now I'm sitting nice and cozy in Jana's house, waiting until it's time to go see the fair's Christmas lights, which will turn on at 4pm. I don't really know what they're going to do though, cos there have been lights up already for about 2 weeks now, up and down the road, but maybe there will be some kind of show, or music or something.

Well, I'm off to suit up and join in the festivities!

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