Thursday, February 10, 2011

Weekend Plan

What I need to do: write 1000 words of literature review. Code Gabors into MATLAB. Add references to poster and make it more bullet-point-like. If I have time-- add some study info to fake PhD studentship proposal.
Time break-up:

Friday: Code in MatLab. Change up poster.
Saturday: write 500 words of literature review.
Sunday: write 500 words of literature review. If wrote more than expected on Saturday, add info to PhD proposal.

There, that doesn't sound like too bad of a plan, eh? Here's to a productive weekend.

Accomplished today: finished my e-prime experiment design! I can start the study as soon as it has ethics approval.

Plan for next week:
Monday: free morning! do some work! class in the afternoon.
Tuesday: re-write attentional blink experiment with adviser in the other lab room, and put finishing touching on the AB final experiment.
Wednesday: free day! do some work!
Thursday: class
Friday: participants coming in from 9-1 for attentional blink pilot.

Wow, I went from being so clever to so BORING in one day.

But you know this blog is a diary and a planner. Today is just a planner day.

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