Monday, January 17, 2011

Second Term: Day 1

Well, this weekend was a good end to a vacation that lasted way too long. On Friday night, I texted Philip to ask him if we're still going to the zoo, and by Saturday morning he had not responded. Jana told me to sign up for a movie Insider program so I could see a free pre-show of Rapunzel with her on Saturday morning, but I was sure I was zoo-ing it, so I batted her request away like a crazy homeless man (I read your facebook, Stefani).

It was 8AM on Saturday and I had nothing to do-- I wasn't a Showcase Insider so I couldn't go to Rapunzel-- Philip had ditched me for his mom (I later found out)--

"Wait a minute!" I interrupted my sad thoughts-- "Reshanne, get a grip! You can BECOME a Showcase Insider. You can do ANYTHING!"

So I flew to the library, signed up online for some tacky e-mail based program, duelled with a printer, and charged off to Jana's house to meet her in time to go to the movie. I guess I'm an Insider now, oh joy. I can do ANYTHING!

Okay, anyway.

We were excited to see the movie in English for the first time, and we were pleasantly surprised that the free showing was in 3D! We laughed at a couple of gags we missed while watching it in French: "You broke my smolder!" "Your dream stinks" "My name is Eugene", and had some 'aha' moments about minor plot points that went right over our heads due to a several-thousand-year old Tower of Babel incident.

Sunday, we went to a matinee performance of The Nutcracker, put on by the Moscow Ballet, which Jana and I both agreed was pretty pale in comparison to the Joffrey Ballet. Which brings me to something I've learned in my international travels. In every country we go, there are signs and shops that advertize "exotic" things that are supposed to be good just because they're from somewhere else. While you might see a shop called French Nails in the USA, you see a shop called American Nails in France-- every country advertizes massages, food, bath products, what have you, from any country but the one you're in. Which goes into this bit of wisdom I'll share with you now:

America is the best.

Okay, okay, I'm biased. It's true! Most people will agree that wherever they are from is the best. Those of you who are not American can ignore this sentiment. But my advice to Americans? Stay put! We have everything you could possibly want right there, and it's cheaper! The dollar is not worth much anywhere else, so live happily ever after in your America-bubble. Want a Thai massage? Don't go to Thailand for it-- because they'd advertize a German massage! Here's a marketing lesson: no matter what they call it, it's probably the same everywhere. Except more expensive for Americans.

Okay, I'm running out of time for this post because I have to get to class, and I realize the title of the post suggests that I talk about day one of the second term (understandably), but I will put that into another post just to confuse everyone!

So... stay tuned for some second term ruminations, I know you all want to hear it!

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