Thursday, January 6, 2011

Making Somethin' Outta Nuthin'

So I think I left off on New Years... and since then, I've done nothing but lounge around, sleeping in until ridiculous hours, re-reading Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, and watching movies. Oh yeah, and playing Solitaire! I've played about a hundred games since yesterday.

I finished my essays completely two days ago, and now I don't know what to do with myself. Last night, Jana and I went to a t'ai chi class around the corner that I found an ad for online. It seems promising, though the ad said 'classes start 5 January' when really it should have said, 'classes will recommence 5 January' since the majority of the class already knew the whole t'ai chi sequence, and were already working on some kind of sword-wielding thing.

The only other person who didn't know the 'first 24' completely was the only young person besides Jana and myself; a girl about our age from Massachussettes, who had worked in India before coming to Leicester 3 years ago, and is now learning acupuncture. And she's picked up a British accent somewhere along the way-- fancy that. At any rate, she still knew the 'first 6', and Jana has taken t'ai chi before, so her movements were very relaxed, controlled, and slow even though she didn't remember much. Me, I blundered through the 'first 3' and the teacher kept telling me to unclench my fists and relax my shoulders... but t'ai chi is kind of like dancing, and people should understand that I am simply too uncoordinated to learn foot/hand movements of any kind, aside from band marching, which is easy because you just have to walk in time to the beat.

I might go back, and I might not. Each class costs 6.50, and I've read that t'ai chi classes usually cost upwards of 20.00, so it might be a good deal. It just miffs me to think that if I had a sportscard, I could do yoga instead-- but-- and get this-- whoever is in charge of the prices CHANGED them just before Christmas, so that there is no after-Christmas discount any longer! Yes, that's right. The sportscard is STILL 65 pounds. And I was really looking forward to yoga, too! But I don't know what I'd do other than yoga with the damn thing, now-- I don't even know if I'd have time to take advantage of the sports equipment since a) my academic schedule will be much busier this year, b) whenever I pass the gym there is always someone on the exercise machines so who's to say I would ever get a chance to use them?, and c) it is just much more convenient to take off running from my house. So I might just end up investing the 65 pounds in t'ai chi and forget about the sports card entirely. Or, I might just do what I did last semester and just run and hike and that's that.

I considered joining the cross country club, but theres a 15 pound registration fee. Um... why? Why does it cost 15 pounds to run with people around the park? I just want a running buddy, is that so hard to ask?

And speaking of running, I now have not run in 3 weeks. One week was because I was in Bavaria, the other two were partially because of sickness, partially because of the weather, but mostly because I have no motivation right now when I'm at Jana's house with none of my gear and I'm as lazy as a sloth. Which is why I just want this vacation to end-- a month is FAR too long for winter break. I need a reason to just go back to my house-- and since Jana is so stingy she won't follow me, I'd be all alone on my break, still doing mostly nothing, which seems pointless to me. During term time, we're both kept nice and busy, and I don't need to hang out with Jana every day.

At least I won't feel so guilty about not running when we're in Paris next week-- we'll be on our feet all day, in Disneyland, downtown, etc. and then by the time we come back it'll be almost time to start up classes again... and I'll increase my running regimen to make up for it. I'm already staving off the candy and munching like a fruitbat-- a change of diet always helps!

Anyway, it's times like these I wish I had a job, even something as messed up as Borders, just to keep me occupied. I'm not used to having an entire Christmas break to just do whatever, and I don't know what to do with myself. My brain is turning to mush!

Mush, I tell you!

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