Thursday, June 16, 2011

Been Weeks

Hello everyone, or anyone who is still reading this,
I know it's been a long time since I've posted. I guess I've been busy! Since before my lasts posts (which don't really count, as they're rants), I have interviewed for a PhD position-- which I figure went OK but I learned my chances of getting the position are now 1/30. I do have a couple of backup plans. There's another Italian PhD program I applied for, and there's one in Scotland that the head of my course sent along to me, and I'm currently in the midst of applying (application due in July).

I've also been working on my thesis experiment-- got a ton of participants through the university-wide emailing list, and I'm optmistic my study will get some good power from all of them. I'm also 7000 words through the write-up-- I have most sections complete except for the discussion, which is partially finished. I also finished putting together my powerpoint for a talk I'm giving at the upcoming Experimental Psychological society conference. Haven't practiced it yet, but I got 3 weeks! I also also found a house to live in next month (closer to the psych building, too, which is a bonus!), learned more MATLAB (I'm getting pretty good at the basics), and have prepared for my Scotland hiking trip which sets off later this morning.

I figured, I'll try to get something written today, and then promise to write about my trip next week. I should have a lot to say about it! On Saturday, we're going to hike the tallest peak in the UK (which isn't saying much but it's still cool, as I've never hiked a real mountain before, small or otherwise), then Sunday and Monday we'll be on the Isle of Skye. Adventure awaits. I can feel it! The brisk morning air gives me the feeling it's very close.

Hmmm maybe I won't say much about what's been going on in my life recently. See, the only people who read this blog are people I do actually talk to on occassion, and I'd like something to say other than "Did you read that in my blog?" for a change. See, it works both ways, dear friends and family. Blogging makes you feel isolated in the big wide web if there's no communication. So we'll leave it at that! Now you know if you (or I) ever call, we'll have a lot to talk about-- and none of this "Oh, nothing much has been going on" from your end! Something's been happening! I'm feeling nostalgic for Ohio so even something as mundane as shopping or chilling is of interest. And of course, whenever people get together for conversation, it becomes that much more interesting.

Interaction! That's what I crave this early in the morning.

Right now I'm washing my bedding (it's been a while cos I haven't gone away for more than a day to give my sheets a chance to dry in the open air, cos I don't have a dryer), and I turned the heat on with my clothes over the radiator to try to finish drying some things I washed two days ago (which are still damp) to bring them with me to Scotland.

I am waiting for the grocery store to open. I don't think it does until 7AM. Need to buy a couple of bananas for the road. Although this upcoming trip was very cheap (80 pounds for 4 days/5 nights) and MOSTLY inclusive (transportation, breakfast, hostels, dinner one night), I am still required to provide my own lunch and dinner on most days. Not that bananas will hold me over, but I'm trying to pack light.

I figure I'll buy sandwiches/eat out when I can-- it's just easier since we're restricted on the luggage and I don't want half of mine to be food. Besides, pub dinners are great. They provide the ultimate post-hike comfort food! They're one thing I really love about England, especially the English countryside. No matter how small the village, no matter how expansive the wilderness, you know there's always a pub closeby serving chips and soup and dinner pies.

Mmm! And on that note, I'm going to go have some breakfast.

I'll be back Tuesday night!

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