Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blindfolding Myself into Hallucinations

This weekend, I am going to do it! Today I will write my 1000 words. Today and tomorrow I will go for a run. The next couple of days will be spent doing my weekend chores. And if I get everything done in time, in correct Cinderella fashion, I will reward myself by engulfing myself in darkness for 3 days. Thursday night, I will bring my things over to Jana's place. And then, starting Friday morning, I am going to go under the blindfold for the entire weekend.

What's gonna happen? Who knows? But I have to do a group teaching session next week and I want something really interesting to talk about. I already had the idea about hallucinations in visual deprivation. But now, I will be able to talk about my OWN hallucinations during visual deprivation!

I could see anything from simple hallucinations (such as flashes of light, patterns of shapes, or moving spots), to complex, full-blown, colored, intense people, faces, scenes, buildings, animals, trees, etc. It's all been done before.

Just not by me!

1 comment:

  1. I played a game today where they blocked out my eyes with a mask and ears with headphones and I had to use a trigger suck to shoot at sounds. It was way intense! I couldn't set at all. All I could hear was the creepy indians and sounds, and the mak made new claustrophobic. Wow. It freaked me out.
