Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Hallowe'en Party

It's later in the day, and I've done some work-- I did the factor analysis for my final psychometric test and, lo and behold, each item loads neatly onto one factor only. So things worked out in the end, after a few more hours of tinkering and toil. Now that's out of the way, I can concentrate on writing out a rationale for my thesis project, which Dr Barrett wants me to send his way sometime this week. I figure I'll write as much as I can today, but I'll stop before it gets to be about 5 o'clock, so I have time to clean house and get ready to meet Jana for our Hallowe'en night party of 2. I am going to find some Bailey's, of course-- my most-loved choice of alcoholic beverage-- and I suppose some orange or pumpkin liquer or flavoring syrup, if I can find it, for a good Hallowe'en touch.

So, here is part two of this morning's post: The Hallowe'en Party.

We left off with me arriving in one piece back at the university after a wild trip home from my hike. I grabbed my bag from the boot (the trunk, for Yanks), and checked my phone to discover Jana had left me 4 text messages and had called twice.

Thanks, Jana.

She knew I would be hiking, but she did not realize that it would take all day, apparently. I called her back and it seemed I had arrived home just in time to keep Jana's head from exploding, and she hurriedly made up some explanation as to why I must meet her at her house as soon as possible.

Thus, I obliged-- I raced home, combed out my hair, threw all my muddy/nettly/grassy things into the laundry hamper, donned a flowery dress, old-fashioned hat and black nylons, and did my makeup all in less than .01 seconds. I stuffed a cheesey bap into the hole in my face and clopped on down to Jana's house. When she opened the door, Hermione greeted me, with perfectly frizzy hair which had taken all day to achieve. Sonja was made up like a cat, with ears and painted nose/whiskers, a tail, and a leopard-print scarf. Jana had expertly crafted the costume, sans scarf, and I guessed correctly that Sonja was Crookshanks. Very cute! I dressed myself in Jana's Victorian jacket, and she had some accompanying shoes that looked the part, but left my feet with mounds of blisters.

We all trouped down to the university for the party. The student center has recently been refurbished, and we emerged into a shiny new club I had never seen before. It was beautifully decorated for the occasion, with cobwebs, spiders, grinning pumpkins and ghouls all around the walls. There was a green glow coming from an impressive lighting display in the ceiling, and fog was intermittently blasted onto the dance floor. There were two bars: one upstairs and one downstairs. The upstairs area was mostly a square balcony overlooking the dance floor on all sides. Tables lined the balcony, and countertops/barstools were situated right where you could look down into the action.

Loud, pleasant indie music thumped in the speakers, and Jana, Sonja, and I enjoyed a drink before we joined the dancers. It was great fun, but jump ahead a couple hours into the thing and you have lots of people becoming unnecessarily drunk. We kept having to push people off of us, and finally, when the floor got so crowed we couldn't even move anymore, we decided to call it a night, and an excellent night at that.

I am really happy we were able to join the fun, especially since we didn't get to go to Oxford this week. And it hasn't ended yet-- I'm looking forward to drinks, candy, and trick-or-treaters at Jana's place tonight!

Well, that's all for now-- gotta get cracking on that rationale for a couple of hours.


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